
Conclusion of agreements

Our agreements are based on copying patterns, requirements and number of copies

Copydan Writing concludes agreements regarding copying of copyrighted material with educational institutions as well as private and public businesses. Our copying agreements ensure that players in the educational and business areas can copy and use material copyrighted by others legally. The prices and frameworks in this regard are based on detailed surveys made in close cooperation with the various contractual parties. This way, we ensure that the individual agreement always reflects the actual copying requirement.

Our agreements specify a framework for the number of copies that may be made and for the way in which the material may be used. The framework is based on the provisions of the Danish Copyright Act, but has been finally determined by our board.


Different frameworks for different areas

Different copying frameworks apply to the educational area and the business area.

In the educational area, the frameworks have been adapted to the individual levels of education, as the copying requirements differ substantially from level to level. In the business area, all agreements are based on the same framework


Terms and prices based on thorough surveys

The prices and the final framework for the copying agreements are based on thorough surveys of the educational as well as the business area. We know the copying patterns, requirements and number of copies. Therefore, we know exactly what terms are relevant to the individual customer. This applies irrespective of whether the customer is an educational institution or a private or public business.


Close cooperation with customers

We make regular surveys of the level of copying carried out by our various customers. We do this to make sure that the individual agreement always matches the customer’s requirements and to make sure that the prices we charge our customers match their actual copying requirements.

We always carry out the surveys in close cooperation with our customers, which are typically the representative trade and interest organisations.


Different agreements

Based on the surveys, we have developed a number of standard agreements, agreements for various lines of business and framework agreements. Agreements specific to lines of business are concluded with the business sector, e.g. publishing houses and pharmaceutical companies. Framework agreements are used in the educational area.

Further information

Please do not hesitate to contact agreement consultant Hanne Glud Konradsen on telephone (+45) 35 44 14 94 / or by email to if you have questions concerning the conclusion of agreements, copying agreements, invoicing and prices etc.