Our name has changed from Copydan Writing to Tekst & Node.
Our business
We manage the rights of those who write and publish texts and sheet music. We help make it possible to use and copy all sorts of texts and sheet music in classrooms, in institutions and in offices all over Denmark. We are non-profit and distribute remuneration individually to the rightsholders.
Our organisation
Tekst & Node is owned by the authors, writers and publishers of texts and sheet music. Our board consists of 14 Danish publishers’ organisations, authors’ organisations, journalists’ unions, illustrators and music organisations.
The legal basis
Tekst & Node concludes copying agreements for text and sheet music based on the extended collective licensing system. We are approved by the Danish Ministry of Culture as a collective mangement organisation (CMO).
By the rightsholders, for the rightsholders
International outlook
We work closely with other CMOs from all over the world to ensure payment when Danish texts and sheet music are used and copied abroad – and vice versa. This work is centered around our membership in the organisation IFRRO.
Statutes, policies & reports